DaisyLadise ry on ehdolla BLAZE INCLUSION AWARDS 2022 Suomen kategoriassa “TRAILBLAZER”.

DaisyLadise ry on ehdolla BLAZE INCLUSION AWARDS 2022 Suomen kategoriassa “TRAILBLAZER”.

Lisätiedot ja äänestäminen osoitteessa: https://diversify.no/blaze-awards-2022/

Äänestysaikaa on 3.6.2022 asti. Voittajat julkistetaan The Annual Gala –tapahtumasssa Oslossa 27.8.2022.

“The Blaze Awards celebrate and illuminate trailblazers – individuals and organizations – who actively and passionately uplift Diversity, Inclusion, Equity and Belonging (DEIB) initiatives in their workspaces, communities and society overall. With a focus on the Nordic region, the Blaze Awards highlight DEIB champions in each country and recognise outstanding individuals and organisations whose practices shine within and beyond the Nordics.“